
Winning Chess Moves: Koltanowski vs Diller, San Francisco, 1960

Today’s winning chess move involves a way to collect your opponent’s queen on just the fifth move! Unfortunately, you are not likely to find an opponent falling for this famous trap in the Damiano Variation of Petrov’s Defense. Still, as the great California chess ambassador George Koltanowski shows us, it’s an opening trap worth knowing.ContinueContinue reading “Winning Chess Moves: Koltanowski vs Diller, San Francisco, 1960”

Puzzle Worthy Position 48

Neil Falconer (April 1, 1923 – April 5, 2014) Many NorCal chess players recognize the name “Falconer” in reference to an annual award given to the highest rated youth chess player in Northern California. Established in 1999, the Falconer Award has been given to such notable players as GM Vinay Bhat and GM Sam Shankland.ContinueContinue reading “Puzzle Worthy Position 48”

Chess Tournament at the Mechanics’ Institute in San Francisco 

https://youtu.be/Q4oyWkA47tI Greetings Chess Players! My name is Chris Torres and this is my Daily Chess Musing for Friday, February 16th, 2024. A good coach is said to put players in positions where they can succeed. As the CalChess Scholastic Coordinator, I use Daily Chess Musings as a platform to coach all of our youth chessContinueContinue reading “Chess Tournament at the Mechanics’ Institute in San Francisco “