
Winning Chess Moves: Borisenko-Belova vs Nakhimovskaya, 1968

During her illustrious career, WGM Valentina M Borisenko-Belova (1/28/1920-3/6/1993) won the Women’s Soviet Championship five times (a record she shares with Nona Gaprindashvili.) Zara Nakhimovskaya was a formidable chess player who won the Latvian Chess Championship for Women four times. In our feature position, Valentina M Borisenko-Belova is playing with the white pieces against ZaraContinueContinue reading “Winning Chess Moves: Borisenko-Belova vs Nakhimovskaya, 1968”

#Chess Position Worth Sharing 130

Some of the most brilliant chess puzzles involve material sacrifice for the sake of the mate. Here however, the sacrifice is not merely needed to mate but in fact to avoid loss. One wrong move, and the outcome is completely out of your hands. White to move and mate in 4 (Skuja vs Rozenbergs, Latvia,ContinueContinue reading “#Chess Position Worth Sharing 130”

Latvia vs USA Chess Match 2015

    Team USA will be winning the Latvia – USA Correspondence Chess Match of 2015 and I helped lead the way as our highest board with a perfect result. My advice is simple, “Keep Calm and Take Your Time.” LAT-USA 2015 TD Kracht, Jörg (IA) Latvia White Black White Black USA Board 1  SIM Roze, Andris  2513 ½ ½ContinueContinue reading “Latvia vs USA Chess Match 2015”