
Chess Position Worth Sharing 150!

Chris Torres with Anish Giri. Dutch Grandmaster Anish Giri just concluded an absolutely brilliant tournament performance in Wijk aan Zee to win the 2023 Tata Steel Masters. GM Giri’s second round victory with the white pieces over GM Dommaraju Gukesh will undoubtedly be remembered for his innovative 14. Rc2 in the famous Ragozin Variation ofContinueContinue reading “Chess Position Worth Sharing 150!”

10 Completely Free Chess Activities in December

Dear Chess Families, It’s often far too easy to get caught up in everyday stress and forget about the great escape that is the chessboard and the wonderful friendships the chess community fosters. During these unprecedented times, I know that it is especially important that our scholastic chess community members have access to a structuredContinueContinue reading “10 Completely Free Chess Activities in December”

Anand Kramnik 2008: A Special Report Looking Back at the World Chess Championship 1858

“Morphy…I think everyone agrees…was probably the greatest of them all.” (Bobby Fischer) This years chess match between Viswanathan Anand and Vladimir Kramnik takes place 150 years after one of the greatest world championship matches in history. In 1858, the two best chess players in the world, Paul Morphy and Adolph Anderssen, battled in Paris toContinueContinue reading “Anand Kramnik 2008: A Special Report Looking Back at the World Chess Championship 1858”

Anand-Kramnik: Game 4 from the 2008 World Championship of Chess

It was back to the “drawing” board in game 4 from Bonn, Germany.  Defending champion Viswanathan Anand played the white side in the solid Queen’s Gambit Declined. Kramnik ended up with the ubiquitous isolated queen’s pawn and allowed Anand no opportunities for victory. 3. Nf3 Anand decides to avoid a repeat of game 2’s Nimzo-Indian.ContinueContinue reading “Anand-Kramnik: Game 4 from the 2008 World Championship of Chess”