
Winning Chess Moves: Yates vs Capablanca, Moscow 1925

In today’s feature position, Fred Dewhirst Yates (white) has just played 38. Ka1 leaving Jose Raul Capablanca (black) with a decisive advantage in king safety, material, space and force. Capablanca puts the final nail in the coffin with a brilliant 38th move after which Yates (white) immediately resigns. What is black’s winning move? What isContinueContinue reading “Winning Chess Moves: Yates vs Capablanca, Moscow 1925”

Chess Position Worth Sharing 146!

“Capablanca’s phenomenal move-searching algorithm in those early years, when he possessed a wonderful ability for calculating variations very rapidly, made him invincible.” – Mikhail Botvinnik White to move mate in 3 (Jose Raul Capablanca vs Abraham Friedman, Simultaneous Exhibition in Cuernavaca, Mexico 5/1/1933.)

Chess Position Worth Sharing 143

The 1927 World Championship Match was a fiercely contested clash of chess styles. Jose Raul Capablanca had a straightforward playing style which, combined with his famously precise endgame play, was his recipe for success. Alexander Alekhine, on the other hand, preferred creating complexities and oftentimes employed risky attacks in route to his victories. Capablanca wasContinueContinue reading “Chess Position Worth Sharing 143”

My Quora Answer to: Which chess player’s games have you found the most instructive?

José Raúl Capablanca‘s chess delivered and still creates an irresistable masterful impact. In his games an inclination towards straightforwardness prevailed, and in his seemingly effortlessness brilliance there was a one of a kind delight of veritable simplicity. Indeed, his style, one of the most perfect, most completely clear in the whole history of chess, stillContinueContinue reading “My Quora Answer to: Which chess player’s games have you found the most instructive?”

Reader Submitted Question on Spielmann – Capablanca (1928)

Chris, (Child’s name) and I were playing this game and couldn’t figure out why Spielmann won the game (Jose Raul Capablanca vs Rudolf Spielmann 1928) , since it’s not forced mate. Thank you. Best regards, (Parent)     Answer:   Good question! Capablanca is one of my heroes but Spielmann is possibly the most overlookedContinueContinue reading “Reader Submitted Question on Spielmann – Capablanca (1928)”