
Summer Games Winners!

https://youtu.be/LEL5McKQj3g Greetings Chess Players. My name is Chris Torres and this is my daily chess musing for Saturday, August 21, 2021. The Daily Chess Musings Summer Games took place on chess.com from August 2 – 6. Over the five days, scores of chess players who are members of the Daily Chess Musings chess club competedContinueContinue reading “Summer Games Winners!”

Daily Chess Musings Summer Games Coming Next Month!

https://youtu.be/1ADk8q1c7i4 Greetings Chess Players and welcome to my Daily Chess Musing for Tuesday July 6th, 2021. The pandemic has greatly curtailed opportunities to play in chess tournaments over the last year and a half. So we are giving all chess players an opportunity to compete and share their love for chess at a major onlineContinueContinue reading “Daily Chess Musings Summer Games Coming Next Month!”

Balancing Effective Outcomes With Efficient Results

Chess players regularly differentiate between effective outcomes and efficient results; the former means “having the desired effect,” while the latter means “having a desired effect in the fewest moves or timeframe.” Chess puzzles often require us to be more efficient in moves than effectively necessary while performance ratings only measure the effectiveness of our movesContinueContinue reading “Balancing Effective Outcomes With Efficient Results”

Velocity Chess

  Are you tired of the suspicious lag and disconnects on Chess.com? Don’t want to pay to play like on the ICC? Has FICS not been stable enough to meet your needs? There is a new contender for the title of best online chess server. Meet Velocity Chess! On Velocity Chess you won’t have toContinueContinue reading “Velocity Chess”