
Viewer Requests: Position of the Week 2

1k3r2/p1n4b/1p3r1p/6p1/8/2P2N2/1P1QN1PP/1K6 w – – 0 1 This week’s submission comes from a student in Fremont California and deals with the age old question of which is better, a queen or two rooks. Generally a queen is stronger against uncoordinated rooks and especially so with pawns on both sides of the board. However, in our featureContinueContinue reading “Viewer Requests: Position of the Week 2”

Viewer Requests: Position of the Week 1

8/8/k7/4PP1p/3pK2P/2b5/8/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Dad & Coach Arun from Fremont California asked me to break this complex endgame down for his students. Watch below to see how this position plays out. https://youtu.be/qkYlNjVWD1o