
Free Online Chess Club

“Children are one third of our population and all of our future.” – Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health 1981

Free Afterschool Chess Club

During difficult times as a child, I learned to escape on a chessboard and enjoy the freedom, creativity and friendships the game fostered. The chessboard became a playground from everyday life that encouraged my friends to discard their differences and spend time together in deep thought. The year 2020 has been a very stressful time for many young people and perhaps more than ever, children are in need of positive activities that give them a recess from real life stress while enhancing their abilities to handle difficulties. Because of this, I will be running a free chess club for any school or family that would like one. 

For over 20 years, I have paved the way for the success of thousands of children regardless of their entry skill level. By training with me your child will gain:

  • The Valuable tools and skills needed to excel as a chess player.
  • An extraordinary chess club experience with a top-tier chess instructor.
  • The confidence and motivation necessary to surpass their chess goals and fast track improvement.

So what’s the catch? There isn’t one. I just want to give every child the same opportunity to benefit from chess that I had as a child. First go to Chess.com and register a free account. Then go and subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Finally register for our free chess club below. 

The Club will have assignments posted for various groups beginning September 23. New instructions and assignments will be given every Wednesday. Participants will watch a welcome video on YouTube that will include any special announcements or upcoming events. They will then watch their assigned videos and complete the attached quiz before the next Wednesday. All children who participate for the year will receive a certificate. Special prizes will also be awarded for top performers in different categories. We will hold regular events on Fridays and Saturdays, along with special events. The events will be scheduled matches between groups, simuls, group chess, and blitz games against me, Coach Chris.

Please register in advance so I can better serve your children.

If you have any questions, please check out our THIS blog post.